Did Jesus have a Facebook Page?

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SuperBowl 50: The Carolina Panthers


I would be a bad NC native if I didn’t post something about this upcoming game.panthers

Growing up 20 miles from Charlotte, this is history for me and my family; many of whom still live there and attend the Panthers games. In fact some of them are fanatics.

I confess I am not a football buff. Not even a buff, just a distant Carolina Panthers admirer.

Watching the games this past season wasn’t on my radar until they continued to win and win big. If you want a diehard football fan, don’t ask me. However I am excited that finally this has happened.  It would have been nice if my dad had been alive to witness their victories as he enjoyed watching them for years before he passed away in 2014.

Who knew that Michael Oher of the “Blind Side” movie would one day end up in the SuperBowl. But then having a Quarterback like Cam Newton certainly helps. Both men are huge and obviously quite good at what they do.

What intrigues me about the SuperBowl is that millions of people stop everything to watch these men tackle, fight and injure themselves in what many believe to be one of the greatest events of our generation. Between the commercials, food and parties it has become a stand-still Sunday.

But, what do these devoted enthusiasts do after it’s over?

How do they cope for the next 7 months without football?

Do they go into deep depression or withdrawal?

What do they fill that empty stadium fever with?

Maybe God has an idea.

I’ve always wondered what would happen if Jesus decided to show up at one of the Super Bowls.

Why not? Millions of people are tuned in making it one of the best and highest rated TV shows all year.

All the flowing beer and chips would probably stop instantly from being consumed.

The stadium itself most likely would come to a screeching halt of silence.

The media would be so shocked they would become speechless. (We can only hope)

I can’t think of a better entrance for Jesus to make. And according to Dream Interpreter and Prophet Doug Addison, God likes football and plans to show up and maybe show off?

God is full of surprises.

Maybe God wants the world to know He is still around and on the throne? 

Maybe God wants to touch the hearts of those empty nested fans once the game is over. 

Whether you believe him or not, it’s certainly worth a touchdown to see what God might do.

(And by touchdown of course I mean for the Panthers.)

Jeremiah 23:23-24

 “Am I a God who is near,” declares the LORD, “And not a God far off? “Can a man hide himself in hiding places So I do not see him?” declares the LORD “Do I not fill the heavens and the earth?” declares the LORD.



“Risen” A Quest for the Ages


The new movie “Risen” hits theaters February 19. Watching the trailer I must admit it gave me chills.
Not because of theatrics, but the truth of Christ’s resurrection. risen

The quest becomes, “the most important manhunt in history.”

How or if it is Biblically based is to be determined. Joseph Fiennes plays the part of a Roman military tribune, a non -believer, searching for the body of the risen Christ.

How many others searched for His body? The answer is, some still are.

As I pondered the scene when the Roman officials are given the news, “He isn’t there,” my heart skipped a beat at the awesomeness of God. Of course He wasn’t there. He told many He would rise on the 3rd day and that is what He did.

I have played it over and over in my mind as one of those guarding the tomb who couldn’t believe what happened. The massive stone is rolled away. The tomb is empty except for His blood stained linen. He is gone. Left. Moved on and from all accounts fallen off the face of the earth. Or so they hoped.

I marvel at God’s wisdom and our lack of it. Or maybe it is simply unbelief.

They already knew of His power and mighty miracles.

They witnessed His brilliance and crowd drawing qualities.

They observed his charismatic countenance.

What they failed at miserably was His all-encompassing love, mercy and grace. Instead of looking at His heart of gold when He healed the blind man, or His unlimited forgiveness to the woman caught in adultery or His mercy for the poor, their limited visual was He was a threat to their personal greed and selfish lifestyles.

How dare anyone, much less a man who comes out of nowhere claiming to be the “Messiah” get in the way of Roman power or Jewish Pharisaical religion?

How dare He abuse them in public by showing up and showing off?

How dare this man do the unthinkable by somehow disappearing from a stone guarded tomb in the middle of the night after an obvious crucifixion that rocked the world?

Because God didn’t and doesn’t miss a beat.

God’s plans always succeed and no Roman Empire will stop Him.

God is God and we are not.

Sadly, as I previously wrote many today are still looking for His body.

You’d think with all the evidence we’d have wised up by now.



Wait. What?

Waiting isn’t fun. Speaking for myself I’ve had to learn how to do it better and I have a long way to go. Patience is a virtue; I’d like to learn how to connect the two.

If you’re like me waiting on God is difficult and often not much fun. In my fast thinking mind I ask,
“God, what are you doing? Don’t you know I have people to bring to the cross for you to save? I feel stuck and useless. So please, please God enlighten me as to why this is taking so long! “

God must laugh or chuckle at my ranting prayers.
His timing isn’t ours. So I can hear him respond,
“You know I’m not on your schedule. You’re on mine. I can make up for what you call “lost time” in an instant. “
I’ve been reading lately many words/articles on how God restores everything – new, not halfway, but complete restoration.

Romans 12:12 Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

What we think we have lost, God restores and often multiplies when we remain faithful to Him and trust Him.
He has done this for me over and over. The key is to stay close to Him and His word. And wait. Patiently.


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2015: My Year from Hell and How God rescued me (Part 4)

After 2 doctors misdiagnosed me I am now waiting to see an ENT. Why?

My problem was not taking my allergy meds. Hence the result is most likely fluid in my inner ear. This was discovered by my speaking to my pharmacist, not a doctor.

You ask, “Why didn’t you take your meds?” Because I didn’t want to.

After so many sinus infections that included shots, antihistamines, decongestants and steroids more times than I can count I decided to stop taking them once the infections ended.

I know. I can hear you fussing. It wasn’t a smart decision and antihistamines are now on my agenda and are working. I’d rather be sleepy than dizzy. I’d rather be healed completely which brings me to my point in this post.

Reading lately about the “bigger picture” God has in store for us led me to ask Him to show me what is my bigger picture?  How do I see past this and what is His purpose?

Years of study, praying and meditating on God’s word and specifically His healing scriptures bewilders me that I haven’t received a miracle or instantaneous divine health. I know I can’t earn it. I know I can’t make it happen. It’s a gift. So I receive it over and over all the while rebuking the devil and his evil spirit of sickness topping my rants with Isaiah 53:5 and 3 John 2. So what am I missing?

God hasn’t answered that yet.

Or maybe I am trying too hard, or overstepping His efforts.

Maybe, just maybe He has a plan yet to be revealed to my slow simple mind.

Somehow I wish I knew why it always takes me so longggggggg to get somewhere, anywhere.

Suffice it to say I am lost in translation and wandering around some wilderness I can’t even give a name to.

The enemy has taunted me with his fiery deceptions along with a battle with my emotions.

I really hate the devil.

What I have learned is how God’s word works.

It is a steady peace which is a great weapon against the enemy.

A promise of hope.jesus

The awesomeness of His presence.

It’s as if Jesus is sitting in front of us speaking His words right out of His mouth.

That’s what it means in John 1: 14, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”

Think about it. As we read the Bible, envision Jesus in the next chair uttering the very words your eyes see.

In the Bible mini -series there is a scene of a man walking along the river. He is dressed in a long, camel colored cloak with his head covered by the connecting hoodie. One knows it is Jesus himself showing up where John is baptizing new followers.

He walks with a casual but confident style.

His face is covered from the side view but His presence is overpowering.

His movements are those of a man on a mission.

I realize this is just a movie but this particular clip brings excitement to my soul.  Seeing the Savior strolling quietly yet with such grace sends me to my knees in awe of Him.

This flight of His passage even in a movie brings life to me as He really is. It may be an act in a film but it represents his true character. That of one who desires to be with us, teach us and love us through our journey.

His word comes alive as I read them.

His word is His word and none other.

His word is the same yesterday, today and forever which gives meaning to everything.

That’s it folks: that is what this life is all about.
















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2015: My Year from Hell and How God rescued me (Part 3)

The Benefits of Isolation

Impatience and faith are opposites.

As life would have it often our desires come along slower than we’d like. True faith walks with patience. It’s not always easy or fun; quite the contrary but necessary and can offer many life lessons.

Usefulness in today’s world is one for the well and able. The heck with the millions who are physically impaired, mentally off or disabled; or at least that is the mandate for being a productive, accomplished human being. Either be in tip, top shape or you become a forgotten drain on society. If you aren’t busy doing something noticeable, get out of the way.

Moses wandered around for 40 years in isolation.

Joshua spent 34 days alone on Mt. Sinai waiting on Moses.toon451

David enjoyed the dingy stench of mountain caves for months on end.

Daniel prayed 3 times a day in the solitude of his own surroundings.

Paul did some of his best work while being incarcerated.

John spent his last years on the Island of Patmos sequestered from the world.


According to secular teachings, these men accomplished nothing and wasted a lot of time.

Then why do we remember them?

Why are they mentioned in the Bible?

What good if any did they achieve?

Ephesians 1: 18-19 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe.

They spent much time alone with God.

They began and nurtured a close, intimate relationship with the Creator.

They lived in the harmony and peace of the Almighty’s presence.

And then they changed the world, and history.





2015: My Year from Hell and How God rescued me (Part 2)


Why does God allow suffering?

Is that an age old question or what?
If we are going to share in His glory, we will share in Christ’s suffering.

What are a few reasons God gives in His permissive will to allow us to suffer?



Lessons Learned

Fellowship with Him more intimately and closely

Fellowship with others in their affliction


Biblical characters often suffered long and difficult situations.

Moses was exiled from Egypt. I’ve often wondered how long it took him once he was in that desert wilderness before he saw another human being. The desert has no water or food. There are no Marriott Hotels with plush sleeping quarters or fancy bathrooms with extra soap and towels. No Outback Steakhouse for a prime dinner. Forget the Marriott, there are no Holiday Inn Expresses.

Not only did Moses dwell there for 40 years, once God gave him his assignment, he had to deal with some very stubborn, strong willed people.

Esther risked her life for the Jewish nation.

Daniel had to watch his 3 best friends get thrown into a fiery furnace.  Then he was thrown into a den of very ferocious hungry lions. But God performed two of the most creative and amazing miracles in both instances.

And then there is Mary and Joseph.

Mary had to endure immense persecution as a result of her pregnancy by the Holy Spirit. Until Joseph was given a dream explaining it, no one, not even her family believed her. Who would?

On top of that, they had to leave, traveling by donkey to get to Bethlehem for her to give birth.

I have to feel sorry for both of them. She was in her last trimester riding on a donkey; not a warm, cushy car or even a Boeing 747. Traveling by foot was bad enough but pregnant?

And poor Joseph. He probably wished he had bought an expensive pair of Nike tennis shoes before making the journey. Instead he was stuck with sandals that  wore out quickly because he had to lead the donkey Mary sat on. I can only imagine how weary and exhausted he must have been.

The truth is, when we follow God we will have troubles; but he walks through them with us. (Psalm 91:15)

You know, God never promised us a rose garden. Well, maybe but he never told us this life would be easy either.

He did promise us He would always be with us.






A True Story: The Heart of a Cat

It was early dawn. My husband who gets up before anyone else on earth, arrived in the den only to hear our 12 year old feral feline wailing and acting strange.  Opening the back door there she stood in front of him holding a 2 inch field mouse in her mouth as if to show him her gift of love.

Little did she know opening her mouth very wide to wail one more time the mouse fell out. He shut the door in an effort to keep the rodent from running inside. Maxi took off chasing him as if to say, “You are mine.”

Mark knew he had to stop this chase. Grabbing the cat after cornering this very frightened creature he brought her inside only to have her sit by the door and whine.

He hadn’t even had a cup of coffee yet.Mark and Maxi 2

Leaving her to her misery of the lost gift he made his early morning joe.

By the time I moved much later he told me of this great adventure.

The cat began wailing at me as if I would let her out. Somehow her instincts knew her prey was still around.

He and I went outside only to find the ailing rat in a hole on the right side of the back door. She runs out and begins to attack. The mouse escapes, running around the table, grill and into a side corner. Grabbing the cat once again we put her inside. She was not happy with her grandparents. Her efforts to once again show her appreciation for saving her life years ago was in the least futile in her eyes.  

By now I needed coffee.

We sat in the den watching tv and resting for a while. Too much excitement at 7am.

30 minutes later I went outside. Not only was the mouse still there, he was crouched behind my Swedish Ivy plant up against the brick on the left side of the door.

Mark attempted to catch him only to have the scared mouse run and fall right into the pool! Swimming for his life Mark finally caught him with the pool net. Giving him his freedom, Maxi ran outside to continue to search. 

She sniffed all around still believing she could locate her hard earned present. Her facial expression said it all.

“Why would you do this to me? I wanted to give it to you to show you my love?”

Isn’t that kind of like God?

Not that he wants to bless us with rodents but the abundance of his own love. Love that captures hearts like no other. Love that is supernatural and healer of all ills. Love that surrounds his people so overwhelming that once it hits you are never the same.

Maybe God feels like our cat sometimes. She gave us love only for us to throw it away. She exerted energy she rarely has these days to announce her gratitude only for us to deny it. She spent hours tracking for a gift we simply refused.

We can learn from our friendly felines the word, “devotion.” They seem to know what it means more than people.

God can take the size of a field mouse kind of love and make it grow.

So go catch a field mouse today and give it to God. It’s a start, and he will accept it with open arms.

Romans 8:38 “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow–not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.”

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You know that Bridge over Troubled Water?

Reading a recent article about Art Garfunkel, I was saddened by his words.

The year was 1970. The hit song, “A Bridge over Troubled Water” rang through the air waves internationally. The lyrics and music along with Garfunkel’s angelic voice gave it recognition, he and Paul Simon didn’t see coming. Instantaneous fame became their way of life. Even those with a crow’s voice like mine were heard trying to sing it.

I remember hearing it over and over with tears falling from my eyes. The words were so profound one couldn’t ignore their touch.

When you’re wearysimon-and-garfunkel
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all

I’m on your side

When times get rough
And friends just can’t be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

When you’re down and out
When you’re on the street
When evening falls so hard
I will comfort you

I’ll take your part
When darkness comes
And pain is all around
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down

Sail on Silver Girl,
Sail on by
Your time has come to shine
All your dreams are on their way

See how they shine
If you need a friend
I’m sailing right behind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will ease your mind

Who would have thought 45 years later the two musical geniuses, Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel would remain apart by the very song that was meant to “bridge” people together.

According to the article and Garfunkel’s side of the story, he received the glory and recognition because he sang it; Paul Simon wrote it and was left out of the limelight for his talent and gifting.

The two became bitter, resentful and angry. Simon supposedly broke the two up. Garfunkel became a Math Teacher. Simon went his own way.

Growing up in the same place, they were in high school together. Simon who is a mere 5”2 inches tall and Garfunkel at 6 feet tall became friends as Art felt sorry for the short Paul Simon and became his body guard against bullying and ridicule for his height. I can relate although I didn’t have Art Garfunkel to back me up.

It was during this time the two began what would eventually become one of the greatest musical duos in modern history only to be halted by greed and jealousy.

This division is so relevant today it has become mainline.

People are fighting over the ridiculous.

People are angry over words that appear offensive even when they know it’s a lie.

America is divided by its own greed and jealousy to a point the bridge is almost broken in half.

Reading Paul Simon’s lyrics bring to heart a friendship of backbone, strength and courage to be there for one another in times of pain, darkness and when down and out.

But that is hard to find in these days. Humans have no way of bridging the needs of others without the bridge that is already built.

In 1970 I would have thought his words resonated any best friend a person could have humanly speaking. That may be true to a certain extent, but no one person or persons can fill that gap; not even close.

The bridge is Jesus Christ.

The connector is the Cross of Christ as the redemption for our sins.

He is the one who dry’s our tears, shines his light and eases our pain. He is the dream maker who sails beside us, in front of us and behind us.

Jesus Christ is the bridge upon which the foundation of the world is saved.

He is the bridge who laid down his life for every troubled water we may swim in.

And he is the only bridge that gets us across to the other side in victory.


“Calm is Trust in Action”

Reading that statement from God Calling recently, changed my life. It was as if God was confirming to me his peace was my ally. Think long and hard about those words. Calm is a huge weapon against the enemy.

I won’t sugar coat aging is no fun, but with it comes experience and knowledge. As God has brought me through more deep waters and the fiery furnaces more than I can count, I see dry land and the furnaces are cooling down.

The enemy uses repeat performances. He can’t create anything new. In that we should grasp his attacks realizing the threats are just that; threats. How we respond is the key. Recognize his evil patterns but more than that he is defeated.

Is it possible what the enemy threatens in our personal lives he does the same globally?

Of course. He has no other availability. Words are powerful; in fact so much so God created the world with them. Being the case, the enemy fills our minds with his lies and deceits hoping to compound them so many times we begin to believe what he says.  There-in lies a case for mental breakdowns, fear, doubt and worry. We must counter with God’s word. Believe me I know this works because it is the only way I am still here.

The attacks on my life for years have been numerous, vicious and at time life threatening. The last few years have been relentless. I could barely get through one and the next one showed up worse. We hear we are to never give up. I remember times when those evil thoughts were being spoken over and over to me until I finally asked myself,

“What would I do if I gave up?” Well, that question ended giving up.

God confirmed a revelation to me this morning using my own life’s attacks with the world’s in our present condition which is about as bad as it gets. Sodom and Gomorrah are like a piece of cake compared to modern day society.

Praying seriously for years over the world especially America, I have waited for answers. If you watch the news or happen across it on the internet you will be hard pressed to find anything good. Not that America is good right now; in fact we are in deep trouble.

My heart has ached at the deterioration of this nation. It is so different than when I grew up. I have watched for decades our moral society diminish. We have no one else to blame but ourselves; we all sin.

As many such as Franklin Graham, Anne Graham Lotz and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn express deep concern for our country’s impending judgement, and rightly so, I believe God’s righteousness is about to shine.

Don’t get me wrong. It looks bad. It is bad. It is evil at its worst and should be recognized as such. But God’s righteous grace is so much more than all of that.

He revealed to me as he has stretched me beyond my own fleshly limits to the point of crying out even in silence because I was too weak to speak, so he is doing with America and the world.

The phrase, “God is never late, but rarely early” fits.

His word says he will walk through the deep waters and the fiery furnace with us, but we won’t drown or burn. We may be gasping for air and feel the heat, but all of a sudden dry land appears and someone shuts off the furnace.

He let me know that is where we are at. I believe we are seriously close to the wrath and judgement of God in such a momentous way that we must continue to pray diligently for repentance. But he has heard our prayers and at the moment when it appears it can’t get any worse, God is going to show up and show off.

The world will know it is God foiling the plots of the enemy.

The world especially America will wake up from this dreadful nightmare and fall on our knees in worship and praise to Him.

The world will be swept by the Holy wind of the Spirit of God changing hearts across the globe in an instant. We must look past the natural into the supernatural sphere of God to see what he is doing and where he is taking us.


And then wait to embrace the glory of God as has never been upon the earth.



America, Bless Israel Now!

Hear ye, hear ye! America wake up!

It is no laughing matter the state of the union we are living in today. Our country has imploded itself to evil unlimited. We have strayed so far from God we have no choice but to return. You would have thought 9/11 would have been more of a wake-up call than it was. Now we are literally shaking.

This present government has done everything in its power to undermine Israel. And for America that is almost the last straw where God is concerned.

America was founded on Godly principals no matter what atheists or agnostics say. And for the record those who claim such a position have yet to win the argument, “how can you fight against something you don’t believe in?”

We must repent. We must support Israel. We must remove the evils we have allowed to enter. We must get over ourselves.

Recently a 4 hour mini-series titled “The Dovekeepers” was on TV. Roma Downey and husband Mark Burnett made the movie based on the story of the “Masada.” Adding some Hollywood to the movie it was a love story; and a reflection of the Jews in 70 A.D. and the Roman Empire. Besides the history it portrays it also reveals the sins of Israel. You may find yourself in one of the actors.

Without being a “spoiler” I hope you will find a copy of this film and watch it. Understand it is based on truth.  Read the true story of the “Masada” and how the people of God at that time in history survived.

Below is a short video of Israel including the Masada. I hope you will watch it.
